Summary: [link] Google+ Platform (for developers)…Downloads…[link] Google API client library for PHP
Summary: If you have a website, what JS loader do you use?
Summary: I learned that .live() has been deprecated in favor of using .on() delegated events…You can read more about that [link] here.
Summary: The [link] HTML5 specification defines what tags can be omitted.".…HTML5 Specification on optional tags.…[link] [image].
Summary: 3) follow the link "View STOREFRONT in customization mode."…[link] [image] [link]…[image]
Summary: <p id="para2">some text <em>italic</em> more text <em> another italic</em> some text <em>italic 3</em></p>…the default could be set as #para2 em { color: red;} and the 2nd em could be set to blue using #para2 em:nth-child(2) {color: blue; }…unnecessary DIVS
Summary: Check the URLs to your JS files on the page and the error will disappear.…Although it does mention the JS file that's missing, it makes it seem like the missing JS file is being loaded and has an issue on its first line?…Confusing?
Summary: message:"Speaking of the graph api, when there's 0 likes the data is missing from the JSON data but when there's 0 comments it actually displays \"0 comments\" in the data.",?…actions:[…name:"Comment",
Summary: It's appeared twice now on my Bluehost account (seemingly random) without warning or activity on my part and it "fixed" itself after a short period of time…Maybe it's a result of my Bluehost overlords upgrading the servers?
Summary: I really liked the [link] design mockup I came up with yesterday, so today I went ahead and made it live :)…Here's a screenshot:…[link] [image]
Summary: Made some more changes to the [link] homepage.…Going to sleep…Here's a screenshot:
Summary: Currently I'm using it on the [link] homepage to load the [link] animation of Zeah once it's scrolled to.…Unfortunately the plugin wasn't as easy to implement as I was led to believe.…The issues I ran into had to do with altering the DOM with my loading scripts.
Summary: It's live on the [link] homepage. I put it on a timer so watch the status box on the right side for the change.…Leave your feedback in the comments :)…UPDATE:
Summary: I remember using Photoshop as far back as version 5.5 (1998)…Ahh…Nostalgia.
Summary: In all fairness, this could be a problem with the plugins I'm using and not WordPress, but it's still a problem nonetheless.…I did a few quick Google searches and ran across a promising (future) blog platform going by the name [link] Ghost.…Anybody else have a suggestion for something that's real NOW and like [link] Ghost?
Summary: <input name="company" id="company" type="text" placeholder="Company Name" onBlur="if (this.value == '') {this.value = 'Company Name';}" onFocus="if (this.value == 'Company Name') {this.value = '';}" />.…</div>…[/html]
Summary: <a class="youtube icon" href="// " target="_blank">Youtube</a>…<a class="facebook icon" href="//" target="_blank">Facebook</a>…<a class="mail icon" href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>
Summary: Twitter users subscribe to be notified by twitter of important tweets/posts/etc.…Long description.…-Users will be able to subscribe based on certain criteria
Summary: Yeah, the Youtube Player Demo is having an error!…Not a good sign.!…Update 3: Back up?
Summary: Click the image above to be directed to the Love Calculator.…If you have questions about how to play, leave a comment and I'll answer them here :)…Enjoy!
Summary: I inspected the error_log and found the culprit to be the [link] Twitconnect plugin not being able to redeclare one of its classes.… .…I didn't change anything, so I'm not sure why it suddenly decided to have an issue
Summary: `metadata` TEXT NULL COMMENT 'image meta' ,…`mime_type` VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL COMMENT 'mime type\n' ,…`caption` TEXT NULL COMMENT 'image caption' ,
Summary: In additional to integrating with's scrobbling [link] API, I included a "play on Spotify" icon that will perform a search through [link] Spotify's API and play the song instantly to [link] Spotify (if it's installed on the user's machine.
Summary: If you're just using auth/plus.login scope, you'll have to request the userid and then make a separate API call to get the person's info…OR you use auth/ scope and set "me" as the userid in the GET request…
Summary: *Download the latest version --> [link] click here (current version is or something).…*Delete everything except for these folders: cache, config, tmp, upload.…and these files: php.ini, .htaccess.
Summary: Removed the artboard and videos…Focused photo gallery…More changes planned
Summary: Also, remind me, energy drinks before bed are a bad idea…Also, why are Pokemon X & Y not out yet?…[image]
Summary: Make a folder in the root directory to house the bare repository…(eg. ~/site.git)…Initialize a bare git repository:
Summary: [sourcecode language="plain" title="Open sshd_config for editing"]nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config[/sourcecode]…[sourcecode language="plain" title="uncomment (remove the #) these lines in /etc/ssh/ssdh_config and write the changes"]…#RSAAuthentication yes
Summary: If that comment wasn't left there, I would've been totally clueless that the following rules had to do with error documents…Thanks, guy…Do you have an example of a really helpful note someone left for you in code
Summary: I'm not sure why it's not mentioned in the [link] Views & Responses documentation…But the method can be seen in the [link] API docs: \Illuminate\View\View
Summary: I encountered this error in Mysql version 5.7.13 after upgrading Laragon when attempting to connect with HeidiSQL.…Here's how to fix it (from the command line):.…mysql -u {user} -p.
Summary: [link] Steam widget on the [link] home page…[image]
Summary: I actually broke everything.…Apparently I have some reading to do on DNS.