Summary: I learned that .live() has been deprecated in favor of using .on() delegated events…You can read more about that [link] here.
Summary: Made some more changes to the [link] homepage.…Going to sleep…Here's a screenshot:
Summary: Currently I'm using it on the [link] homepage to load the [link] animation of Zeah once it's scrolled to.…Unfortunately the plugin wasn't as easy to implement as I was led to believe.…The issues I ran into had to do with altering the DOM with my loading scripts.
Summary: <input name="company" id="company" type="text" placeholder="Company Name" onBlur="if (this.value == '') {this.value = 'Company Name';}" onFocus="if (this.value == 'Company Name') {this.value = '';}" />.…</div>…[/html]
Summary: Yeah, the Youtube Player Demo is having an error!…Not a good sign.!…Update 3: Back up?
Summary: [link] Steam widget on the [link] home page…[image]