I'm sure there are others interested in doing this, so here's how I did it:<br><strong>* Must have SSH access on your website's host server *</strong><br><strong>** Must have Git installed on Remote and Local **</strong><br>I'm not going into details about how to do the above. There are some helpful links at the bottom.<br>I'm going to reference my own set up configuration.. use your brain to fill in the correct info for your own site.<br>If you have questions, send me an email, tweet me, google+ or whatever.<br><span style="text-decoration: underline;">How I set up my Git workflow</span><br> <br><strong>Part 1: Site Hub (bare repository)</strong><br>SSH into joejiko.com's root ~/<br>Make a folder in the root directory to house the bare repository. (eg. ~/site.git)<br>Initialize a bare git repository:<br><span class="lang:default decode:true crayon-inline">git init --bare</span><br>Create a post-receive hook to push the working directory to the site's public folder<br>The post-receive hook goes into the bare repository's hooks folder (eg. ~/site.git/hooks/post-receive<br>Its contents look like this:<br><strong>post-receive</strong><br><pre class="lang:default decode:true">#!/bin/sh <br>GIT_WORK_TREE=/home/USER/public_html/ git checkout -f</pre><br>Make sure the directory exists!<br>Chmod +x your post-receive file<br>In your SSH client, navigate to your hooks directory and use<br><pre class="lang:default decode:true">chmod +x post-receive</pre><br> <br><strong>Part 2: Local Repo</strong><br>Set a folder to hold your site files and initialize your Git repository<br><pre class="lang:default decode:true">git init</pre><br>Add the site files and commit<br><pre class="lang:default decode:true">git add .<br>git commit -m "initial commit"</pre><br>Add the remote server and push<br><pre class="lang:default decode:true">git remote add web ssh://site.com/home/USER/site.git<br>git push web +master:refs/heads/master</pre><br> <br>That's it!<br>If you need more instruction, you can try "<a href="https://toroid.org/ams/git-website-howto">Using Git to manage a web site</a>" which basically goes through the same process (only in much more words)<br>I'll update this as I continue to use this workflow and become more familiar with Git<br> <br>If you have anything to add or see a mistake, please let me know!<br> <br><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Some additional notes/things to google:</span><br>* <strong>SSH keys</strong>. SSH is much easier if you use keys (so you can push with a special password instead of your username and the password on your hosting account that's probably super annoyingly "secure")<br>Related reading:<br><ul><br> <li><a href="https://www.atlassian.com/git/workflows#!workflow-gitflow" target="_blank">Git workflows</a></li><br> <li><a href="https://joemaller.com/990/a-web-focused-git-workflow/" target="_blank">A web-focused Git workflow</a></li><br> <li><a href="https://nvie.com/posts/a-successful-git-branching-model/">A successful Git branching model</a></li><br> <li><a href="https://github.com/nvie/gitflow">Git-flow</a></li><br> <li><a href="https://git-scm.com/downloads">Download Git</a></li><br></ul>