Summary: [link] [image]…[link] [image]…[link] [image]
Summary: Monica: Your face is like Brad Pitt's when he was younger.…I dunno, your lips and eyes are like his.…[image] [image]
Summary: If you ever want to experience American culture, go to a southern rock concert.…I don't remember all the bands, but the big two were Outlaw and [link] .38 Special.…38 Special are the guys responsible for the entire [link] Super Troopers [link] soundtrack.
Summary: joejiko (10:15:30 AM): it's a visual communication from my subconscious mind
Summary: I can't wait until they invent a way for me to virtually stab people.…Cute is a word for things that can't kill you.…It doesn't have to make sense.!
Summary: Before any work can be done, I have to get into the right gear.…[image].…Okay!
Summary: Monday (actual birthday): Dinner with Mom & Amanda. Thanks to all my facebook friends for blowing up my wall with "happy birthday" comments! 8-)…[link] [image]
Summary: [link] [image]…[link] [image]
Summary: If you have anything to suggest, leave a comment or [link] tweet at me :)
Summary: I made some changes to today including removing the buzz button, adding the new facebook send feature, and a new, fading photo sideshow.…check it out if you've got a minute.…that's all for now..
Summary: Also double as an HD desktop wallpaper :)…[link] [image]
Summary: [image]…[image]…[image]
Summary: [image]
Summary: [link] [image]
Summary: [link] [image]
Summary: [image]…*gobble gobble
Summary: [image]
Summary: [image]
Summary: "The Joe Jiko has woken and he is a raging beast!"…:)
Summary: I really liked the [link] design mockup I came up with yesterday, so today I went ahead and made it live :)…Here's a screenshot:…[link] [image]
Summary: It's live on the [link] homepage. I put it on a timer so watch the status box on the right side for the change.…Leave your feedback in the comments :)…UPDATE: