<img class="wp-image-2403 alignleft" alt="twitconnect" src="https://cdn.joejiko.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/twitconnect.jpg" width="367" height="367" />Went to my blog to show a coworker my <a href="https://cdn.joejiko.com/art/iron-man-christmas-comic-successfully-privatized-world-peace-presents/">Iron Man christmas comic</a>.. only to be met with a 500 server error.<br>I inspected the error_log and found the culprit to be the <a href="https://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/twitconnect/" target="_blank">Twitconnect plugin</a> not being able to redeclare one of its classes.<br> <br>I didn't change anything, so I'm not sure why it suddenly decided to have an issue.<br>I deleted the Twitconnect directory from /wp-content/plugins and that fixed it.