Summary: While I reorganize the site, the homepage should really be an "about" page. Hopefully this will help people landing on my site to find a summary of who I am and what I do as well as my interests.…b) modified line height and font size to adhere to the typography "golden ratio"…This is in an effort to improve readability.
Summary: Hover over the right side of the comment box and a little icon will appear that says "edit or delete" [link] [image].…Edit your post2…Some message pops up saying you can view the edit history.
Summary: [link] [image]
Summary: Leave a comment if you know what's going on or have a prediction.
Summary: The [link] HTML5 specification defines what tags can be omitted.".…HTML5 Specification on optional tags.…[link] [image].
Summary: #2- removed the [link] facebook faces bar with link to twitter on the right.…#3- tilted "website designer & web developer" to lead focus to the artwork in the center!…#4- tiled "joe jiko" signature for the same reason as #4.
Summary: "Access Restricted. You're not high enough in the food chain. Omnomnom.."…Found this page while looking through unlinked pages on my site's file system.…I make myself laugh :)
Summary: I learned that .live() has been deprecated in favor of using .on() delegated events…You can read more about that [link] here.
Summary: If you want to be made into a pokemon, please message me on my art page [link] Joe Jiko (or leave a comment if you're on mobile) with the pokemon you'd like to be :).…No duplicates, so check the ones that have already been done!…[click [link] here to view the gallery].
Summary: Like or comment below!
Summary: *died laughing.
Summary: Taylor Nichole Hewitt I read back not long ago about a girl you and your girl pow wow were making fun of and of your one friends phobia of fat. And I never said I was better I just said it was sad. please make sure you don't put words in peoples mouths its a rather nasty habit of a small minded people, I said joe has amazing skills and talents and is above these antics of a highschooler. You all should know beauty ages dies, but ignorance does not. I knew by giving my option I would be attacked for it, oh well. oh and joe? your over conceited-ness is rather annoying, if not extremely unattractive.…Taylor Nichole Hewitt Though I would still like to be friends with you Joe you do have a brilliant mind, I would just hope you would do some meditation on the word kindness. A heart doesn't need to be filled with pain hurt or hate.Kindness is the only way to peace, but it can be a lonely road though because of it.…Joe Jiko „Taylor I'm not opposed to the idea. However, we can't be friends until you stop assuming things about me that aren't true. Also, I don't care if you don't find me attractive.. I'm not trying to attract anyone ;)
Summary: "The Joe Jiko has woken and he is a raging beast!"…:)
Summary: 1) help people understand each other better and 2) help a person understand their beliefs better.…If you can't stand up for what you believe in, you probably don't believe it very strongly anyway.…Note: Facebook deleted this post because she's obviously a pussy and reported it. Sadly, the entire discussion was lost. Oh well. I believe in freedom of speech, so feel free to start a new one in a space that I control :)
Summary: Chris um i am a christian but all i know is that when i go buy a car i want to test drive it before i buy it casue i dont want to be stuck with payments on a car i dont like not dont get me wrong i am not saying girls are cars but its the only thing i could think of!!!lol.…Timothy you dont need to have religion to be faithful.…Joe Jiko Lol or we can just have sex because it's fun and recreational..
Summary: Went to lunch at Sweet Tomatoes with my mom for Mother's day. It's a salad buffet type of restaurant with a great selection and one of the only places in America that have green tea. My mom is so great :) As we were leaving, an older couple stopped us in surprise at all the kids in our company.…My sister is a mom too with her three kids!…The stranger couldn't believe that my mom is a grandmother.
Summary: I keep getting search engine traffic for keywords "young Brad Pitt". I posted an [link] article a few years back with a comparison photo and I guess people just search for Brad Pitt so much that I'm getting the trickle down traffic. Well, I thought it would be amusing to take a few photos of Brad Pitt when he was younger and reproduce them with me as the double. Anyone in the Tampa bay area with a DSLR who thinks this might be fun.. Hit me up! :)
Summary: And [link] why is it OK to tell someone they're "too skinny" but not OK to tell a person they're "too fat"?…This is not my opinion.. it's science.…Leave a comment if you disagree with facts ;)
Summary: It must have vanished on the automatic sentence warp."…Joe Jiko…[10:25 am] sentence warp
Summary: [link] [image]