Summary: For some reason it didn't want to drain the water or start the spin cycle.…Oh nooo.…I jumped straight to Google of course.
Summary: [image]
Summary: If you're in the Orlando area and need a haircut, contact Ginny Leavy.…Mens/boys start at 20, womans at 30, basic color starts at 40.…all over highlight/platinum card starts 45.
Summary: [link] Visit my contact page and send me an email.…I always try to reply to everyone!…So what're you waiting for.
Summary: sex is a physical activity whereas love is an emotional response. The two are generally associated but aren’t necessarily directly related. For example, it’s possible to love someone and NOT have sex with them OR to have sex with someone and NOT love them which renders this argument invalid.
Summary: My paper folding machine couldn't fold the 12pt paper I had my postcards printed on.. so now I'm going to be occupied all night with folding over 100 cards by hand! I stopped by a nearby Michaels to see if they had anything to help with my folding process. They didn't. I ended up buying a "bone folder" and a gridded mat. The Internet yielded a few tutorials so.. wish me luck!…Once everything's folded, I'll need to:…1) print the addresses and design on the envelopes
Summary: If you have a website, what JS loader do you use?
Summary: They should be printed tonight/tomorrow and I'll be able to see them. If everything printed OK, I'll be enveloping and addressing everything tomorrow night then mailing them! Watch your mailbox :)
Summary: [image]…[image]…[image]
Summary: [image]…[image]…[image]
Summary: [image]
Summary: An outwardly normal person who has taken the time to learn technical skills…Geeks have as normal a social life as anyone, and usually the only way to tell if someone is a geek is if they inform you of their skills…Nerd
Summary: [link] [image]
Summary: Work ing on projects that use his imag i na tion will always lift him up as cre ativ ity is his best escape from depres sion5…A love of the writ ten and spo ken word: music, poetry and lit er a ture.…A well-turned phrase delights him as much as a well-turned omelette!
Summary: [link] [image] I noticed the new features on the @mentions page right away.…It looks like they've included new followers and retweets as well as an Activity tab.…It's been awhile since they done anything new.
Summary: [image]…*gobble gobble
Summary: I found that pressing the number 4 any time during a Google Voice call will enable/disable call recording…More information can be found on [link] Google Voice's support site
Summary: Artist Jacqueline Helwig (@JackieHelwig)…Blog [link]…Contact her directly by email: jacquelinehelwig AT
Summary: That's right, for example Verizon customers will be (phone#) Your phone will actually text to emails if you type an email address instead of a phone number in the "to" field.…2) Google voice…- unlimited, searchable history of text messages (no more memory full)
Summary: [link] [image] [link] facebook page:…[link] facebook profile: