Summary: Monday (actual birthday): Dinner with Mom & Amanda. Thanks to all my facebook friends for blowing up my wall with "happy birthday" comments! 8-)…[link] [image]
Summary: [link] [image]…[link] [image]
Summary: [link] [image]
Summary: [link] [image]
Summary: [image]…[image]…[image]
Summary: people say I'm lucky to have found a girl who can handle me and my quirks.…it had nothing to do with luck..…I was single and looking for years..
Summary: I tried to chase him but I was in a black people mall and they all looked the same" @mandagoesrawr
Summary: Planning a trip on Sunday 6/26 to [link] fort desoto park with @mandagoesrawr and [link] Zeah! if anyone wants to meet up with us, contact me any way you know how or check by the doggie park around noon :) [link]